Download RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc: A Guide for Teachers
If you are a teacher of grade 2 students in Indonesia, you might be wondering how to download RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc. This is a lesson plan document that follows the latest curriculum for primary and secondary education in Indonesia, known as Kurikulum 2013 or K13. This document has been revised in 2017 to incorporate some changes and improvements.
download rpp k13 kelas 2 revisi 2017 doc
In this article, we will explain what RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc is, how to download it, and how to use it effectively. We will also provide some examples and samples of this document for your reference. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of how to create engaging and meaningful learning experiences for your students using RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc.
What is RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc?
RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc is a lesson plan document that contains the details of how to conduct a learning activity for grade 2 students in Indonesia. It is based on the Kurikulum 2013 or K13, which is the latest curriculum for primary and secondary education in Indonesia. It was revised in 2017 to include some changes and improvements, such as integrating character education, literacy skills, and higher-order thinking skills.
The definition and purpose of RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc
methods, activities, assessments, and evaluations of a learning activity. It is a tool that helps teachers plan, organize, implement, and reflect on their teaching and learning process. It is also a way to communicate the learning goals and expectations to the students and other stakeholders.
The purpose of RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc is to provide a guideline for teachers to design and deliver learning activities that are aligned with the K13 curriculum. The K13 curriculum aims to develop students' competencies in three domains: knowledge, skills, and attitudes. It also emphasizes the integration of character education, literacy skills, and higher-order thinking skills in every subject and theme.
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The components and format of RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc
RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc consists of several components that describe the essential elements of a learning activity. These components are:
Identitas Sekolah: The name and address of the school.
Kelas/Semester: The grade and semester of the students.
Tema/Subtema: The theme and subtheme of the learning activity.
Alokasi Waktu: The duration and frequency of the learning activity.
Kompetensi Inti: The core competencies that the students are expected to achieve in each domain (knowledge, skills, and attitudes).
Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi: The basic competencies and indicators of competency achievement that the students are expected to demonstrate in each subject and theme.
Tujuan Pembelajaran: The specific learning objectives that the students are expected to attain by the end of the learning activity.
Materi Pembelajaran: The content and materials that will be used in the learning activity.
Metode Pembelajaran: The methods and strategies that will be used in the learning activity.
Langkah-Langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran: The steps and procedures that will be followed in the learning activity.
Penilaian Hasil Belajar: The assessment methods and tools that will be used to measure the students' learning outcomes.
Refleksi: The reflection process that will be conducted by the teacher and the students to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the learning activity.
The format of RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc is usually in a table form, with each component as a column header. The table can be divided into several rows, depending on the number of subjects and themes that are covered in the learning activity. Here is an example of how RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc looks like:
Identitas Sekolah
Alokasi Waktu
Kompetensi Inti
Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
Tujuan Pembelajaran
Materi Pembelajaran
Metode Pembelajaran
Langkah-Langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Penilaian Hasil Belajar
SD Negeri 1 Jakarta
Hidup Rukun/Kebersamaan di Rumah dan Sekolah
4 x 35 menit
omena alam dan sosial budaya dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.KI-4: Menyaji dalam bentuk tertulis dan lisan hasil pengkajian, penalaran, dan pemecahan masalah dalam kaitannya dengan pengembangan dari apa yang dipelajarinya di sekolah dan sumber lain yang relevan dan bermutu.
KD-1.1: Menyebutkan sifat-sifat Allah SWT.IPK-1.1: Siswa dapat menyebutkan sifat-sifat Allah SWT dengan benar.KD-2.1: Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli, santun, responsif, dan proaktif dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di rumah dan sekolah.IPK-2.1: Siswa dapat menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli, santun, responsif, dan proaktif dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di rumah dan sekolah dengan contoh-contoh konkret.KD-3.1: Mendeskripsikan ciri-ciri makhluk hidup dan benda mati di lingkungan rumah dan sekolah.IPK-3.1: Siswa dapat mendeskripsikan ciri-ciri makhluk hidup dan benda mati di lingkungan rumah dan sekolah dengan menggunakan kata-kata yang tepat.KD-4.1: Menyajikan hasil pengamatan tentang ciri-ciri makhluk hidup dan benda mati di lingkungan rumah dan sekolah dalam bentuk lisan dan tulisan.IPK-4.1: Siswa dapat menyajikan hasil pengamatan tentang ciri-ciri makhluk hidup dan benda mati di lingkungan rumah dan sekolah dalam bentuk lisan dan tulisan dengan menggunakan bahasa yang baik dan benar.
Siswa dapat:- Menyebutkan sifat-sifat Allah SWT.- Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli, santun, responsif, dan proaktif dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di rumah dan sekolah.- Mendeskripsikan ciri-ciri makhluk hidup dan benda mati di lingkungan rumah dan sekolah.- Menyajikan hasil pengamatan tentang ciri-ciri makhluk hidup dan benda mati di lingkungan rumah dan sekolah dalam bentuk lisan dan tulisan.
- Sifat-sifat Allah SWT.- Perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli, santun, responsif, dan proaktif.- Ciri-ciri makhluk hidup dan benda mati.- Hasil pengamatan tentang ciri-ciri makhluk hidup dan benda mati.
- Ceramah- Diskusi- Tanya jawab- Demonstrasi- Observasi- Penugasan
peduli, santun, responsif, dan proaktif dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.8. Guru memfasilitasi siswa untuk menyampaikan hasil diskusi mereka di depan kelas.9. Guru memberikan umpan balik dan saran kepada siswa tentang hasil diskusi mereka.10. Guru mengajak siswa untuk mengamati ciri-ciri makhluk hidup dan benda mati di lingkungan rumah dan sekolah dengan menggunakan alat bantu seperti kamera, lup, atau mikroskop.11. Guru memberikan penjelasan tentang ciri-ciri makhluk hidup dan benda mati dengan menggunakan media seperti gambar, video, atau slide.12. Guru menanyakan kepada siswa tentang ciri-ciri makhluk hidup dan benda mati yang telah mereka amati.13. Guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa untuk menyajikan hasil pengamatan mereka tentang ciri-ciri makhluk hidup dan benda mati dalam bentuk lisan dan tulisan.14. Guru menilai hasil belajar siswa dengan menggunakan rubrik penilaian.15. Guru dan siswa melakukan refleksi tentang proses dan hasil pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan.
Guru menilai hasil belajar siswa dengan menggunakan rubrik penilaian yang meliputi aspek-aspek berikut:- Ketepatan menyebutkan sifat-sifat Allah SWT.- Keterampilan menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli, santun, responsif, dan proaktif dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di rumah dan sekolah.- Kemampuan mendeskripsikan ciri-ciri makhluk hidup dan benda mati di lingkungan rumah dan sekolah.- Kreativitas menyajikan hasil pengamatan tentang ciri-ciri makhluk hidup dan benda mati dalam bentuk lisan dan tulisan.
Guru dan siswa melakukan refleksi dengan cara:- Menyampaikan pendapat tentang kelebihan dan kekurangan pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan.- Menyimpulkan apa yang telah dipelajari dan bagaimana penerapannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.- Menyusun rencana tindak lanjut untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran di masa mendatang.
How to download RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc?
If you want to download RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc, you need to know where to find it, how to access it, and what to look for. There are many sources and links of RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc on the internet, but not all of them are reliable and updated. You also need to follow some steps and tips of downloading RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc to ensure that you get the right document for your needs. Moreover, you need to check some examples and samples of RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc to see how it looks like and how it can be used.
The sources and links of RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc
One of the best sources of RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc is the official website of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia (Kemendikbud). This website provides various documents and resources related to the K13 curriculum, including RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc. You can access this website by typing in your browser.
Another source of RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc is the website of the Center for Curriculum and Books (Puskurbuk). This website is a subsidiary of Kemendikbud that focuses on developing and distributing curriculum and books for primary and secondary education in Indonesia. You can access this website by typing in your browser.
Doc for free or for a fee. However, you need to be careful and selective when choosing these sources, as some of them may not be trustworthy or updated. You also need to respect the intellectual property rights of the authors or owners of these documents, and not use them for commercial purposes without their permission. Some examples of these sources are: - - - - The steps and tips of downloading RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc
To download RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc from any of the sources mentioned above, you need to follow some steps and tips. These are:
Open the website that provides RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc in your browser.
Find the link or button that allows you to download RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc. It may be labeled as "Download", "Unduh", "Save", or something similar.
Click on the link or button and wait for the download process to start. You may need to enter some information, such as your name, email, or phone number, before you can download RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc.
Choose the location or folder where you want to save RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc on your device. Make sure you remember the name and location of the file, so you can easily find it later.
Open RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc on your device using a compatible application, such as Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or Adobe Reader. You can edit, print, or share RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc as you wish.
Some tips to download RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc are:
Make sure you have a stable and secure internet connection when downloading RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc.
Check the size and format of RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc before downloading it. The size should not be too large or too small, and the format should be compatible with your device and application.
Scan RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc for any viruses or malware before opening it. You can use an antivirus software or an online scanner to do this.
Backup RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc on another device or cloud storage, in case you lose or damage the original file.
The examples and samples of RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc
To give you a better idea of how RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc looks like and how it can be used, we will provide some examples and samples of this document for your reference. These examples and samples are taken from some of the sources mentioned above, and they are only for illustration purposes. You should not copy or plagiarize these examples and samples, but use them as inspiration or guidance for creating your own RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc.
Here are some examples and samples of RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc:
- [Example 1] - [Example 2] - [Example 3] - [Example 4] How to use RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc?
2017 Doc, you need to know how to use it effectively. RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc is not a fixed or rigid document that you have to follow exactly as it is. It is a flexible and adaptable document that you can modify and improve according to your needs and situations. You also need to prepare, implement, and evaluate your learning activity using RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc as a guide. Here are some tips on how to use RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc:
The preparation and planning of using RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc
Before you use RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc, you need to prepare and plan your learning activity carefully. You need to consider the following aspects:
The characteristics and needs of your students, such as their prior knowledge, learning styles, interests, motivations, and abilities.
The learning objectives and outcomes that you want to achieve with your students, such as the core competencies, basic competencies, and indicators of competency achievement.
The content and materials that you will use in your learning activity, such as the theme, subtheme, topic, concept, fact, procedure, or skill.
The methods and strategies that you will use in your learning activity, such as the lecture, discussion, question and answer, demonstration, observation, or assignment.
The steps and procedures that you will follow in your learning activity, such as the introduction, development, closure, or reflection.
The assessment methods and tools that you will use to measure your students' learning outcomes, such as the test, quiz, observation, portfolio, or rubric.
The resources and facilities that you will need in your learning activity, such as the books, media, equipment, or space.
You can use RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc as a reference or template for preparing and planning your learning activity. You can also modify or improve RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc according to your needs and situations. For example, you can add or delete some components, change or adjust some details, or customize or personalize some elements.
The implementation and evaluation of using RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc
After you prepare and plan your learning activity using RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc, you need to implement and evaluate it with your students. You need to do the following things:
Conduct your learning activity according to the steps and procedures that you have planned using RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc. You can also make some changes or adaptations if necessary.
Engage your students in the learning activity by using various methods and strategies that suit their characteristics and needs. You can also motivate them by using positive reinforcement, feedback, or praise.
Assess your students' learning outcomes by using various methods and tools that match the learning objectives and outcomes. You can also provide them with constructive feedback or suggestions for improvement.
Evaluate your learning activity by using various criteria and indicators that reflect the quality and effectiveness of your teaching and learning process. You can also identify the strengths and weaknesses of your learning activity and make some recommendations for improvement.
You can use RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc as a guide or checklist for implementing and evaluating your learning activity. You can also record or document your learning activity using RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc as a reference or evidence.
The modification and improvement of using RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc
After you implement and evaluate your learning activity using RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc , you need to modify and improve it for future use. You need to do the following things:
Review your learning activity and RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc based on the feedback and evaluation that you have received from yourself, your students, or other stakeholders.
Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your learning activity and RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc based on the criteria and indicators that you have used for evaluation.
Revise your learning activity and RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc based on the analysis and recommendations that you have made for improvement.
Test your revised learning activity and RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc with a different group of students or in a different context to see if it works better than before.
Repeat the cycle of preparation, implementation, evaluation, and modification until you achieve the desired results and quality of your learning activity and RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc.
You can use RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc as a tool or resource for modifying and improving your learning activity. You can also share your modified and improved RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc with other teachers or stakeholders who may benefit from it.
In conclusion, RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc is a lesson plan document that follows the latest curriculum for primary and secondary education in Indonesia, known as Kurikulum 2013 or K13. It is a useful document for teachers who want to design and deliver learning activities that are aligned with the K13 curriculum. It is also a flexible and adaptable document that can be modified and improved according to the needs and situations of the teachers and students.
To download RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc, you need to know where to find it, how to access it, and what to look for. You also need to follow some steps and tips of downloading RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc to ensure that you get the right document for your needs. Moreover, you need to check some examples and samples of RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc to see how it looks like and how it can be used.
To use RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc effectively, you need to prepare, implement, evaluate, and modify your learning activity using RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc as a guide. You also need to consider the characteristics and needs of your students, the learning objectives and outcomes that you want to achieve, the content and materials that you will use, the methods and strategies that you will use, the steps and procedures that you will follow, the assessment methods and tools that you will use, the resources and facilities that you will need, and the feedback and evaluation that you will receive.
We hope that this article has helped you understand how to download and use RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc. We also hope that you will be able to create engaging and meaningful learning experiences for your students using RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc. Thank you for reading this article.
Here are some frequently asked questions about RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc:
What is the difference between RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc and RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2018 Doc?
RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc and RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2018 Doc are both lesson plan documents that follow the K13 curriculum for grade 2 students in Indonesia. However, they have some differences in terms of the components, format, and content. For example, RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2018 Doc has added some components, such as the learning scenario, the learning resources, and the reflection questions. It has also changed some format, such as using bullet points instead of tables. It has also updated some content, such as adding some themes and subthemes, and revising some competencies and indicators.
Where can I find RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc for other grades and subjects?
You can find RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc for other grades and subjects on the same sources and links that we have mentioned above. You just need to change the grade and subject in the search query or the website address. For example, if you want to find RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc for grade 3 mathematics, you can type "rpp k13 kelas 3 matematika revisi 2017 doc" in your browser or search engine.
How can I make my own RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc?
You can make your own RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc by using a blank template or a sample document as a reference. You can also use some tools or applications that can help you create RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc easily and quickly. For example, you can use Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or Adobe Reader to edit and format your document. You can also use some online generators or converters that can create RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc from your input or data.
How can I share my RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc with others?
You can share your RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc with others by using various methods or platforms. For example, you can print your document and distribute it to your colleagues or students. You can also save your document as a PDF file and attach it to your email or message. You can also upload your document to a cloud storage or a file sharing service and share the link with others. You can also post your document on a blog or a social media and invite others to view or comment on it.
How can I get feedback or suggestions on my RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc?
You can get feedback or suggestions on your RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc by asking for it from others who have experience or expertise in using this document. For example, you can ask your supervisor, mentor, or trainer to review your document and give you some feedback or suggestions. You can also ask your peers, colleagues, or friends to comment on your document and give you some feedback or suggestions. You can also join some online forums or communities that are related to RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc and ask for feedback or suggestions from other members.
When you receive feedback or suggestions on your RPP K13 Kelas 2 Revisi 2017 Doc, you should appreciate and acknowledge them. You should also consider and apply them to improve your document and your learning activity. You should also give feedback or suggestions to others who ask for it, as a way of exchanging ideas and learning from each other. 44f88ac181