At 1500MHz and with a 1.1V SOC, 1.2V GFX via BIOS, we measured a 1.3V output via DMM. HWINFO read 1.1V. Going to 1.1V SOC and 1.3V GFX gave us 1.39 to 1.4V SOC, which is dangerous to the health of the IMC.
The fans were connected to the motherboard and ran under one pre-defined fan curve. Room temperature was at 21 +/- degrees Celsius. The charts present the highest temperatures recorded using CPUID HWMonitor 1.39 or HWiNFO 6.00-3620. Since we are testing it all pretty thoroughly, here are the temperature measurements. First up is OCCT - [C] lower = better. Only the CPU air cooling temperatures are presented in this review. First up is the OCCT, then the Dirt Rally test for the CPU, followed by the GPU.
CPUID HWMonitor Pro 1.39 – CPU
Ab Version 1.39 unterstützt CPU-Z auch das Betriebssystem Windows Vista und ab 1.52 Windows 7. In der letztgenannten Version hat das neue Tab Graphics Einzug gefunden, die Basisinformationen über die verwendete Grafikkarte liefert. Im Juni 2013 erschien erstmals auch eine Version für Android.[6][7]
Hey 0ld_Chicken, I see you have a EVGA z97 classified motherboard. I just build my PC using one too and super excited. I spent a week trying to figure out how to make CPUID hwmonitor or speedfan detect my 3 other fans, which uses 3 pins but it is not showing up anywhere in windows. 2ff7e9595c